29 organisations listed as ‘critical information infrastructure’ under DSA

The ICT Division on Monday declared 29 organisations as ‘critical information infrastructure’ under the Digital Security Act for the safety of sensitive data under which any illegal access to computers, digital devices or networks is a punishable offence.

‘Critical information infrastructure’ in the controversial Act means any external or virtual information infrastructure declared by the government that controls, processes, circulates or preserves any information-data or electronic information and, if damaged or critically affected, may adversely affect public safety or financial security or public health and national security or national integrity or sovereignty.

Section 15 of the Digital Security Act authorizes the government to declare any computer system, network or information infrastructure as ‘critical information infrastructure”.

The law states anyone causing or trying to cause damage to a critical information structure or render it inactive intentionally through illegal access will be doing an offence.

It defines illegal access as “making or abetting to make illegal access to any computer, computer system or computer network” and “making or abetting to make illegal access with intent to commit an offence”.

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বাবা ভাঙ্গার যত ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী

কে এই বাবা ভাঙ্গা?
বুলগেরিয়ায় জন্ম নেয়া বাবা ভাঙ্গা তাঁর জীবনে যত ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করেছেন তার ৮৫ শতাংশই মিলে গেছে৷ ১৯৯৬ সালে ৮৫ বছর বয়সে তিনি মারা যান৷ কথিত আছে, রহস্যময় এক ঝড় তরুণী বাবা ভাঙ্গাকে উড়িয়ে নিয়ে এক মাঠে ফেলে দেয়৷ বেশ কদিন পর পরিবারের লোকজন তাকে খুঁজে পায়৷ কিন্তু বালু আর ময়লার কারণে ব্যথায় তিনি চোখ খুলতে পারছিলেন না৷ পরে অন্ধ হয়ে যান তিনি৷

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Google Doodle celebrates Pohela Boishakh

Over the years, it has become a key element of Pohela Boishakh celebrations. The world’s most popular search engine has created a doodle depicting the Mongol Shobhajatra procession to welcome Pohela Boishakh, the first day of the Bangla New Year.

The doodle, featuring a tiger, has been on Google’s homepage since early Sunday.

Mongol Shobhajatra was inscribed on Unesco’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in November 2016.

The procession, introduced in Jessore in 1985—and replicated in Dhaka in 1989—features large colourful masks, carnival floats of birds and animals, and other motifs of Bangladeshi culture.

Over the years, it has become a key element of the Pohela Boishakh celebrations among Bangalis at home and abroad.

Radical Islamist groups and parties have been demanding that the procession be scrapped, dubbing it “anti-Islamic.”

Pohela Boishakh celebrations started during Mughal Emperor Akbar’s reign, when it was customary to clear all dues on the last day of the Bangla month Chaitra as businessmen would open “halkhata” —  new books of accounts for the new year.

A Google Doodle is a special, temporary, alteration of the logo on Google’s homepage that is intended to celebrate: holidays, events, achievements, and people. Google Doodles were introduced in 1998.


Telecom is at a crossroad. The telecom business is starting to fail.

Ericsson and Nokia, the number two and three suppliers, have their debt rated as junk. Verizon is selling, what should have been its future, their cloud business, to IBM. AT&T is loosing wireless subscribers every quarter. Telefonica, the innovation leader, is scaling back its IoT Smart City business. Telecom as an industry is getting to a crossroad. Whatever road they take will decide their future. The closest resemblance is the moment IBM discovered that PCs and servers were a commodity. They decided to become a services and software company. Competitors of them did not. These competitors might not be around for many more years. Communication has been commoditised. Calls and SMSes are dead. Long live WhatsApp and others! Even Twilio, the SMS and call disruptor, is having problems.

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