Get rid of esm-apps while ubuntu updates Rumi, September 15, 2023 If you ever encounter similar issue like below- Get more security updates through Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-apps' enabled: libavformat58 libavfilter7 ffmpeg mc sntp libswresample3 lynx-common libzmq5 fail2ban mc-data redis lynx libpostproc55 ntp ntpdate libgsasl7 redis-tools cpanminus libavcodec58 libavutil56 libavdevice58 libswscale5 libsdl2-2.0-0 libmysofa1 redis-server libavresample4 And don’t like to be financially trapped into Ubuntu long term commercials, do this (Kidding, it’s actually good to keep the esm as it’s worth for expanded security)-run command to navigate to that directory: cd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ Then, create a backup folder to store the config file as backup. So, you can restore the change at any time by moving the file back. sudo mkdir -p /root/apt/backup Finally, moving the config file to backup folder you just created: sudo mv 20apt-esm-hook.conf /root/apt/backup/ To apply change, also run- sudo apt update To restore, run command to move the file back: sudo mv /etc/apt/backup/20apt-esm-hook.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ && sudo apt update Administrations Configurations (Linux) esmesm-appsUbuntu